Custom/No Punishment Modes

This package recognizes end developers may wish to punish users outside of how this package does it. Due to this, you can use the AntiSpamTracker to track users yourself and work with punishments of your choice!

class antispam.ext.AntiSpamTracker(anti_spam_handler: antispam.anti_spam_handler.AntiSpamHandler, spam_amount_to_punish, valid_timestamp_interval=None)

A class devoted to people who want to handle punishments themselves.

This class wraps a few things, and handles the logic of ensuring everything exists (or doesnt) among other things such as untracking users after the valid storage interval expires

In order to use this in your code, you can either:

  • Subclass this class and override the do_punishment method and then use it that way to keep it clean
  • Initialize this class and simply use the bool is_spamming() and do punishments based off that
  • Initialize this class and simply use get_user_count() to get the number of times the user should be punished and do your own logic

This mainly just depends on how granular you want to be within your code base.

The way it works, is everytime you call propagate you simply pass the returned data into update_cache and it will update said Members cache if AntiSpamHandler thinks that they should be punished. Now, you set spam_amount_to_punish when creating an instance of this class and that is used to check if YOU think they should be punished, and what punishment to give when they hit that cap.


propagate -> update_cache, if the User should be punished we increment internal counter

is_spamming -> Checks if the User’s internal counter meets spam_amount_to_punish and returns a bool


This Class recognizes that individual guilds can have different options and will attempt to work with said options to the best of its ability. This is lazily conducted however, so if you wish to use any of the methods listed below please call them on this class rather then on your base AntiSpamHandler. (They will also update the AntiSpamHandler dont worry)

  • add_custom_guild_options
  • remove_custom_guild_options
__init__(anti_spam_handler: antispam.anti_spam_handler.AntiSpamHandler, spam_amount_to_punish, valid_timestamp_interval=None) → None

Initialize this class and get it ready for usage.

  • anti_spam_handler (AntiSpamHandler) – Your AntiSpamHandler instance
  • spam_amount_to_punish (int) –

    A number denoting the minimum value required per user in order trip is_spamming

    NOTE this is in milliseconds

  • valid_timestamp_interval (int) – How long a timestamp should remain ‘valid’ for. Defaults to AntiSpamHandler.options.get("message_interval")
  • TypeError – Invalid Arg Type
  • ValueError – Invalid Arg Type
add_custom_guild_options(guild_id: int, **kwargs)

To see how to use this, refer to antispam.AntiSpamHandler.AntiSpamHandler.add_custom_guild_options

See also

The method that this calls under the hood


Not unit-tested, I just assume it works since add_custom_guild_options is unit-tested. If this doesnt work as intended, please open an issue.

clean_cache() → None

Cleans the entire internal cache removing any empty users, and empty guilds by extension


This is more part of the Optimising Package Usage section, run this once a week/day or somethin depending on how big your bot is. I haven’t profiled things.

do_punishment(message: discord.message.Message, *args, **kwargs) → None

This only exists for if the user wishes to subclass this class and implement there own logic for punishments here.

Parameters:message (discord.Message) – The message to extract the guild and user from


This does nothing unless you subclass and implement it yourself.

get_user_count(message: discord.message.Message) → int

Returns how many messages that are still ‘valid’ (counted as spam) a certain user has

Parameters:message (discord.Message) – The message from which to extract user
Returns:How many times this user has sent a message that has been marked as ‘punishment worthy’ by AntiSpamHandler within the valid interval time period
Return type:int
Raises:UserNotFound – The User for the message could not be found
is_spamming(message: discord.message.Message) → bool

Given a message, deduce and return if a user is classed as ‘spamming’ or not based on punish_min_amount

Parameters:message (discord.Messsage) – The message to extract guild and user from
Returns:True if the User is spamming else False
Return type:bool
static load_from_dict(anti_spam_handler: antispam.anti_spam_handler.AntiSpamHandler, data: dict)

Given a valid input (from ``save_to_dict``) build and return a valid AntiSpamTracker state that matches the previously saved state.

  • anti_spam_handler (AntiSpamHandler) – The AntiSpamHandler instance to attach this to
  • data (dict) – The state to restore from

A valid AntiSpamTracker instance restored from the state provided to this method

Return type:


propagate(message: discord.message.Message, data: Optional[dict] = None) → dict

Overwrite the base extension to call update_cache internally so it can be used as an extension

remove_custom_guild_options(guild_id: int)

To see how to use this, refer to antispam.AntiSpamHandler.AntiSpamHandler.remove_custom_guild_options

See also

The method that this calls under the hood


Not unit-tested, I just assume it works since add_custom_guild_options is unit-tested. If this doesnt work as intended, please open an issue.

remove_outdated_timestamps(guild_id, user_id)

This logic works around checking the current time vs a messages creation time. If the message is older by the config amount it can be cleaned up

Generally not called by the end user

  • guild_id (int) – The guild’s id to clean
  • user_id (int) – The id of the user to clean up
remove_punishments(message: discord.message.Message)

After you punish someone, call this method to ‘clean up’ there punishments.

Parameters:message (discord.Message) – The message to extract user from
Raises:TypeError – Invalid arg


If the user can’t be found in cache, it executes the same as if the user could be found in cache for what should be somewhat obvious reasons. (They shouldn’t exist after this method finishes)

save_to_dict() → dict

Similar to AntiSpamHandler.save_to_dict this method returns a dictionary which can be used to rebuild the state of the class

Returns:The dict to rebuild state from
Return type:dict
update_cache(message: discord.message.Message, data: dict) → None

Takes the data returned from propagate and updates this Class’s internal cache

  • message (discord.Message) – The message related to data’s propagation
  • data (dict) – The data returned from propagate